Note: The Branch County Literacy Council is not part of the Branch District Library. They are a separate entity which maintains an office in the Coldwater Branch library building.

Home About Us Our Services Facts About Literacy How You Can Help Contact Us

How you can help

Do you enjoy helping people?

Do you love to read and want others to share your joy in reading?

Do you have an hour a week that you could spare to make someone’s life easier?

If you answered yes to these questions, you are a prime candidate for tutoring in the Branch County Literacy Program. To become a tutor is easy and rewarding. First, call the Literacy council at
517 279-9833. The director will give you all the information you’ll need to get started. It’s easy and interesting.

One-on-one tutor training is recommended. This makes tutoring sessions go smoothly for both the tutor and the student. It also answers some of your questions about how to handle various situations that may arise. You will be given a book that you can refer to from time to time if you have questions. Also, at any time you are encouraged to call the Literacy Council (517 279-9833) for support. The training is for all aspects of literacy-- reading, writing, math and English as a second language.

The Literacy Council is a nonprofit organization manned by a qualified board of volunteer community members who work diligently for the good of the community. Because we are a nonprofit, we rely on the goodness of individuals, businesses and organizations to keep us going. If you would like to donate to literacy, print off the form below or simply make a check out to:


Click here to Print

My donation to the Branch County Literacy Council is $______________________

Signed _______________________________ Date__________________________


Phone_________________________________ E-mail_________________________

Also during the year, we have various functions which benefit Literacy. In the spring we host a wine and cheese tasting at North Woods coffee shop. We sell popcorn at the Tuesday night Entertainment in the Park series. These events are open to the public and greatly benefit our organization.