Branch District Library’s Seed Library exchange program began in March 2017 at the Coldwater Branch. In 2020, the program has expanded to include our Lucille E. Dearth Union Twp. Branch. We will have vegetable and flower seeds, as well as a few heirloom varieties, available for free.
How it works:
- Patrons may “check out” up to 10 seed packets per household – no more than 2 of the same kind.
- Take your seed packets to the service desk to be checked out and counted.
- Plant them and enjoy your harvest. Please allow one plant to go to seed.
- Bring saved seeds back to the library in the fall in an envelope, paper bag, or other appropriate containers, and fill out the donation form available at the service desk.
Our seed libraries depend on donations and seasonality. To inquire about seeds in the Union Township "Roots and Shoots" seed library, please contact the Union Twp. Branch; questions about seeds from the Coldwater Branch Seed Exchange, please contact the Coldwater Branch.
Instructions on collecting and drying seeds, hand pollinating, and planting times will be available. Please consider donating seeds at the end of the season to keep this program going.
Seeds are available on a first-come first-serve basis for as long as our supply lasts. Seeds will be added as they become available.
We wouldn't be able to have this program with support and donations from multiple places! Thanks to our 2025 seed library donors:
- Eden Brothers
- Fedco Seeds
- Hudson Valley Seed Co
- Pinetree Gardens
- Sow Right Seeds
- Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
- Burpee
- Gary Ibsen's Tomato Seeds
- and, of course...Branch County residents!
DISCLAIMER: The library makes no claims as to the viability or purity of the seeds donated. The propagation of patented seeds is prohibited by law. The Branch District Library will not knowingly accept these seeds for distribution to our community and discourages any of our Seed Saver Exchange patrons from engaging in this illegal activity.