This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Michigan eLibrary Catalog (MeLCat) and inter-library loan service. Over the past two decades, the service has grown from 12 member libraries to more than 435. MeLCat has amassed holdings of over 34 million items. Branch District Library has been a proud member since 2007.
“MeLCat provides a great resource to libraries of all sizes and enables libraries to share their resources to better serve their patrons,” said State Superintendent Dr. Michael F. Rice. “Its expansion over the years, both in libraries and resources, is a testament to its value to Michiganders across the state.”
Available at, MeLCat is a marvel of interconnectivity. It
serves more than 435 public, school, academic, and special libraries with various automation systems.
“Since 2005, MeLCat has filled more than 16 million requests, with an average
request fill rate of 93%,” State Librarian Mr. Randy Riley said. “MeLCat provides a wonderful collection of resources—books, audio, movies, music, and more- to libraries and their patrons across the state.”
The Midwest Collaborative for Library Services has been an important partner in MeLCat's development since 2005, continuing support and training for member libraries.
“Supporting the MeLCat infrastructure that helps hundreds of libraries borrow and lend over one million items per year to provide people in their communities the materials they need for learning, growth, and recreation has been, and continues to be, a great privilege for the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services,” said Scott Garrison, executive director of the organization. “We so appreciate the opportunity to serve the Library of Michigan and the hundreds of Michigan libraries that participate in MeLCat,”
Midwest Collaborative for Library Services and Library of Michigan staff work with MeLCat member libraries to ensure that requested library materials move around Michigan in a timely and efficient manner to those who need them.
The goal of the Michigan eLibrary (MeL) is to provide equitable access to a
comprehensive array of high-quality information resources for Michigan residents. Using MeLCat as a discovery tool fosters collaboration among libraries and other organizations to enhance knowledge-sharing and ensure resources, including special, unique or historical materials, are available to all, regardless of geographic or economic barriers.
“The success of MeLCat is a testament to the enduring value and power of all types and sizes of libraries working together to build a service that benefits Michigan residents statewide.” Riley said. In honor of MeLCat’s 20th anniversary, we ask Michigan residents to share their MeLCat stories.”
MeL and MeLCat receive support from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library
Services, administered by the State of Michigan through the Library of Michigan. The State of Michigan provides additional funding.